The Book

Feeding on the Wind

Feeding on the Wind

I call the book “my senior project”. It’s a composite of years of learning and experience, added to insights gleaned in lived life.   Those ingredients have crystallized into a drama of people living together in a fishbowl. It’s about a man who was greatly privileged, but squandered his gifts and opportunities. It is about others who are closing in on the end of their own journey.  It’s about stasis, but also about change. It’s about lost opportunities, but also about redemption. It has simplicity, but is not simplistic.  It honors the complexity of our lives.

It’s a work of fiction, but you will probably find yourself in their story.


coming soon

Tim Boyd

The Great Escape

A short excerpt from Chapter One

The Grandfather hall clock sonorously chimed three times. Right on schedule he slowly and stealthily shuffled down the corridor. His carefully chosen, soft-soled sneakers muffled his footsteps. Clad in black from head to toe, he crept among the shadows. He himself was but a shadow. Strange, random thoughts squirreled through his brain. “Who would have imagined that Walmart sold adult-sized ninja pajamas?” “What might the staff say if they caught him sneaking around in this totally age-inappropriate sleepwear?” They would probably call the on-call doctor to get some emergency script written for what he called “Nurse’s Favorite Little Cuckoo Pills”. Wouldn’t be the first time they shackled their chemical restraints upon him. He forced himself to dispel the distracting thoughts, and he put his attention back on the challenge of remaining unseen.

He was doing his best to fly under the radar tonight. He did a number of test runs before tonight, but tonight was not a dress rehearsal. Tonight was E-Day–The Great Escape. He had planned it out in a meticulous and thorough way. He wasn’t going to leave anything to chance. He pushed away disquieting memories of his numerous other unsuccessful escape attempts, and he rationalized them as “just learning opportunities”. However, now, all systems were go. He assured himself that he would nail this one.

If you would like to read the entire book....

Sorry to say. Feeding On The Wind is only half finished.  If you would like to be notified when it is done, please leave an email address.  I am hard at the task, but writing a book is a real piece of work!  (-:

Ask Me Anything...

In my practice, and in my life in general, I’ve been invested in the process of change and healing. I’ve done a lot of contemplation about what motivates, and helps a person to make changes. What helps us work through unfinished business? I wanted to write a book that explored these questions

Without revealing too much, the book is about a group of people who live and work together in the same place. Some are at peace, and some are not. You will read about the drama in their relationships, and I assure you that you will find many places to identify with the dynamics of their dramas

It has particular relevance for seniors. It also has special relevance for caregivers. However, there’s a lot of wisdom available to younger folks. What does a life well-lived look like?

One of the beauties of my profession has been the thousands of people who have told me their stories. I’ve learned from them, and hopefully they’ve learned from me. The intent of the book is to share wisdom gathered.

Let’s just say that I wrote the book with you in mind. No, I don’t know your particular story. However, our stories interconnect. I can almost guarantee that you’ll find some thing of value for your own journey.

I’ve got a thriving sense of humor. I am particularly tuned into the ironies of our lives. I have honeycombed a network of comedy, whimsicality, and playfulness throughout. Reality sits better with jest.


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Barbara Haeme
Barbara Haeme
2 months ago

I am intrigued and hope you finish writing this book. I am also impressed with knowing another side of you and enjoy your friendship.

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